Vi presentiamo il quarto gruppo di Speaker


Ecco infine  la presentazione del quarto ed ultimo gruppo di speaker che saranno presenti al WordCamp Torino 2017.


JOHN BLACKBOURN: is one of the WordPress core developers, a member of the WordPress security team, and was the release lead for WordPress 4.1. He works as a senior WordPress engineer at Human Made in the UK.
In his presentation, A Deep Dive into the Roles and Capabilities AP, John will explain that the user roles and capabilities API is one of the most powerful APIs in WordPress. With it you can allow, deny, and customise access to features in WordPress to a fine grained level. In this presentation, He will talk through the basics and go on to explain some of the more interesting and advanced use cases of working with roles and capabilities.


LAURA CAMELLINI: Web designer per scelta, con una formazione artistico-umanistica alle spalle. Si occupa di tecnologia in modo “creativo” alla maniera di Kevin Mitnik. Attualmente lavora per Demetratech
Nel suo talk, Building a theme with AMPproject, Laura spiegherà come costruire un tema con tecnologia AMPproject per WordPress, i passaggi di automazione fondamentali con esempi di codice php ed un confronto con l’uso dei plugin più diffusi.


PASCAL BIRCHLER: is a student and Core Developer based in Zurich, Switzerland. He’s been working with WordPress for half of his life and passionate about helping other people and cooking. Most recently he’s been improving updates and i18n in WordPress.
In his talk, Decluttering WordPress, Pascal will talk about how his knowledge, as a developer working at a UX and WordPress agency, about common UI and UX mistakes helped eliminate many pain points in WordPress itself and how this benefits the whole WordPress community thanks to open source. From user registration to email notifications, he will highlight a few areas in WordPress that he thought were difficult to use, and how he solved these issues. This will include helpful advice for developers who want to learn more about UX and designers who want to start contributing to WordPress core.


RENZO BASSI: da anni sviluppa siti internet e WordPress è diventato il suo più importante strumento di lavoro. Lo usa dai tempi della preistorica versione 2.1 e sente di essere cresciuto con lui. Adesso non può più farne a meno e per stargli vicino anche fuori dell’orario di lavoro ha costituito il WordPress Meetup Piacenza.
Nel suo talk, Perchè usiamo WordPress?, Renzo fornirà una guida semiseria per tutti i freelances, gli account e gli sviluppatori che come lui lavorano in agenzie e devono quotidianamente spiegare ai clienti perchè si è deciso di usare WordPress per i loro siti.


TAMMIE LISTER: works at Automattic, the company behind She has a varied background including psychology, design, front end development and user experience. She is a contributor to WordPress and passionate about Open Source.
In her talk, Know your users, Tammie will show why knowing your users matters and how you can start truly understanding them to make a better experience. How can you truly create an experience without knowing who you are creating it for? Why does so much get made without user research? Why do so many creating experiences not run user tests or engage with their users at any point? It isn’t a privilege of the wealthy agency or invested company.


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